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Ashburn, VA Change Location

Elite RV Sales

  • Entegra
  • Fleetwood
  • Thor Motor Coach
  • Tiffin
4130 Grand Ave
Phoenix, Arizona
85019 USA

Toll Free:833-684-8147

Used RV Sales
Welcome to Elite RV Sales LLC. Be sure to visit our virtual showroom of inventory available for purchase. There you will see detailed information about each vehicle, a picture gallery, as well as convenient ways to contact us for more information about that vehicle. We are located at 4130 Grand Ave and are available by phone at 602-875-6100. You can also get driving directions and hours of service from our user friendly website.

Find More Arizona RV Dealers

Buyers and Sellers should be prudent and careful in any exchange of monies, contracts, legal documents, and written or verbal communications as we cannot guarantee the validity of all “businesses” or “individuals” that choose to advertise on our sites. For more information, please see our Terms of Use